Filtering your articles in Notiondesk helps you easily organize and manage your content. This guide will show you how to filter your articles by status, language, and collections.
How to Use Filters
To start filtering your articles, go to the "Articles" section in your Notiondesk dashboard. At the top of the page, you'll see options to filter your articles by status, language, and collections.

Filtering by Status
Click on the "Status" filter to view a dropdown menu with different options:
- Draft: View articles that are still being edited and have not yet been published.
- Published: See all articles that are live and accessible to your users.
- Review: Find articles with pending changes awaiting publication.

Select the status you want to filter by, and your articles will be sorted accordingly.
Filtering by Language
If you manage content in multiple languages, the "Language" filter will be particularly useful.
Click on the "Language" filter and choose the desired language from the dropdown menu. This will display only the articles written in the selected language.

Filtering by Collections
Collections help you group articles related to specific topics or categories. To filter by collections, click on the "Collections" filter. A list of available collections will appear.
Select the collection you want to view, and your articles will be filtered to show only those in the chosen collection.

Combining Filters
You can combine multiple filters to narrow down your search even further. For example, you might want to see all published articles in English that belong to a specific collection. Simply apply each filter one by one, and the results will update to reflect your combined criteria.