Format your articles with Notion

Notion blocks supported for formatting your articles. Find which are supported and unsupported.

5 min read

Format your articles effectively in Notiondesk to enhance readability for your customers. Using Notion blocks, you can effortlessly structure your content. Discover which blocks are supported and how to utilize them best.

Supported Blocks

We support a variety of Notion blocks to help you create visually appealing and easy-to-navigate help articles. Below is a breakdown of these supported blocks and how to make the most of them.

Basic Blocks


With Notiondesk, All kinds of text styling are supported. For example, you can make text bold, italicize words, or even strike through certain phrases. Basic text blocks can be thought of as similar to HTML <p> tags. The power of text lies in its ability to convey information while maintaining visual appeal.


Headings help break down the content into sections, making it easier to follow and understand.

H1 Heading

This is the largest heading and is ideal for section titles.

H2 Heading

A subheading often used for subsections or to break down topics.

H3 Heading

Further break down content into more specific areas.


You can upload an image to your Notion page, which will be reflected in your help center.

Write your articles in Notion!


Want to emphasize a point or share feedback? Use the quote block. It's perfect for highlighting important information.

"This is how a quote will look in your article."


Toggles are excellent for FAQs or sections where you want to provide additional information without overwhelming the reader. Readers can click on the toggle to reveal the content inside.

What's inside a Toggle?

Hidden content appears here when the toggle is open.


Grab your reader's attention with a callout. It stands out from the rest of the content, making it perfect for important notes or tips.

โš ๏ธ
This is a callout. Notice how it stands out?


Separate different sections or topics within your article using dividers. It helps in breaking up content and making it more readable.

๐Ÿ‘† This is a divider

List Blocks

Lists are fantastic for organizing information, whether you're jotting down steps, features, or key points.

Bulleted List

Ideal for non-sequential items.

  • Point A
  • Point B
  • Point C

Numbered List

Best for sequential information or steps.

  1. Step One
  1. Step Two
  1. Step Three

Advanced Blocks

Table of Contents

When you add a Table of Contents block in Notion, it automatically populates links to all headings in your article, letting readers jump to specific sections with ease.

Here is the Table of Content of this article ๐Ÿ˜‰

  1. Supported Blocks
  2. Basic Blocks
    1. Text
    2. Heading
  3. H1 Heading
    1. H2 Heading
      1. H3 Heading
      2. Image
      3. Quote
      4. Toggle
      5. Callout
      6. Divider
    2. List Blocks
    3. Advanced Blocks
      1. Table of Contents
      3. External Links
      4. Checklists
      5. Image Gallery
      6. Video
      7. Audio
      8. File Download
      9. Column Layouts
      10. Table
      11. Synced Blocks
      12. Code Blocks
      13. Math Equations
    4. Unsupported blocks


Keep external resources or other important pages just a click away by embedding bookmarks directly in your articles.

Notiondesk - Build a help center with Notion

Turn Notion documents into a powerful knowledge base with Notiondesk. Customize, optimize SEO, support multiple languages, and improve customer support in minutes.

Notiondesk - Build a help center with Notion
Notiondesk - Build a help center with Notion

External Links

Point your readers to other websites or online resources. They can be set to open in a new tab, ensuring your article remains open for reference.

Example External Link


Ideal for step-by-step guides or to-dos.

Image Gallery

Showcase a collection of images in a structured grid format. This is perfect for product images, tutorial steps, or any visual sequence.

Image 1

Image 2

Image 3

Image 4


Enhance your articles with multimedia content by uploading a video or embedding videos directly from Youtube, Loom or Vimeo.

Youtube - Rick Astley (Never Gonna Give You Up)

Uploaded Video - Notiondesk integrations


Audio blocks embed various audio content, enhancing articles with file uploads or external sources like Spotify and YouTube.

Audio file

This a caption for audio file



File Download

Attach resources, templates, or additional reading materials directly to your articles. These will show as attachments like this:

Column Layouts

Organize your content in multi-column formats. This is especially useful for side-by-side comparisons or to display information in parallel.

Column 1

This is an


Column 2



Tables help organize and present data in a clear manner. Can also be combined with a range of formatting options for clarity.

BoldBolded text for emphasisThis is bold
ItalicsSlanted text for nuanceThis is italic
StrikethroughText that's crossed outThis is struck
CodeMonospace font for codeThis is code
LinkHyperlinked textClick me
Colored TextText with a specific colorThis is orange

Synced Blocks

Ensure consistency by syncing content across multiple pages. Update in one location, and the change reflects everywhere the block is embedded.

Sync Block

This content is synced with another page.

Code Blocks

Present code snippets or technical commands in a distinct format. This is especially useful for developers or technical guides.

JavaScript Example:

function sayHello() {
    console.log("Hello, world!");

Markdown Example:

# Table of Contents
* [Introduction](#introduction)
* [Features](#features)
* [Installation](#installation)

## Introduction
Welcome to Notiondesk's documentation.

> Note: This is a markdown example.

## Features
- Dynamic updating
- Rich formatting support

## Installation
Follow our [guide]( to get started.

Math Equations

This allows you to seamlessly integrate mathematical expressions into your articles, perfect for tutorials, technical documentation, or any content requiring mathematical precision.

Block Equation Example:

\int_0^\infty e^{-x^2} \, dx = \frac{\sqrt{\pi}}{2}

Inline Equation Example:

The formula for the area of a circle is C = \pi r^2

Unsupported blocks

While Notiondesk supports a vast array of Notion blocks to facilitate comprehensive documentation, there are certain blocks currently not supported. Here's the list:

  • Embeds (Twitter, Google Drive, Airtable, and Google Maps)

If a block you require is not supported, please reach out to us. We're continually updating Notiondesk and appreciate your feedback!
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